An airway adjunct that prevents the tongue from obstructing the airway, whilst an integrated...
Laryngeal Mask Airway - PVC Single Use
The LMA is designed to manage the airway during routine and emergency anaesthetic procedures...
Flexible Laryngeal Mask Airway - PVC Single Use
The flexible LMA can be used in situations where a standard LMA is not suitable. It can be used...
Laryngeal Mask Airway - Silicone Single Use
The LMA is designed to manage the airway during routine and emergency anaesthetic procedures...
Flexible Laryngeal Mask Airway - Silicone Single Use
The flexible LMA can be used in situations where a standard LMA is not suitable. It can be used...
Laryngeal Mask Airway - Silicone Reusable
The LMA is designed to manage the airway during routine and emergency anaesthetic procedures...
Flexible Laryngeal Mask Airway - Silicone Reusable
The flexible LMA can be used in situations where a standard LMA is not suitable. It can be used...
Laryngoscope Plastic - Single Use
This product is design to insert into patient’s throat to help them to quickly set up a clear...
Endotracheal Tube-Standard/ Reinforced
Available with cuffed and without cuffed. Also available with Stylet
Nasopharyngeal Airways
Unique oval flange design
Guedel Airways
Available in 10 size: 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm, 100mm, 110mm, 120mm
Berman Airways
Available in 9 sizes: 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm, 100mm, 110mm in compact case